The methodology employed includes the following:
A set of questions was developed for each of the five governance themes alongside a scoring
matrix based on clearly defined criteria.

A simple questionnaire developed with Google Forms was sent to Honourable Commissioners,
Permanent Secretaries, Directors, and Climate Change Desk Officers in the Ministries of
Environment across Nigeria’s 36 states.
Responses received from the survey were collated, reviewed, verified, and validated using multiple
Verified and validated responses were allocated scores which were tabulated to determine the
scores and ranks for states under each of the governance theme as well as the overall ranking
when the scores for the five themes are combined. The validation process involved independent
searches and follow-up communication with the respondents to request proof and evidence to
confirm the responses provided.
Consultation and collaborative meetings were held with partners to validate and review the
preliminary results and key findings of the survey; ascertaining the quality of the result collation
It is important to stress that the analysis was based on the responses received between April to
July 2024; this means that progress or achievements recorded by states after the period has not
been captured in the analysis.
Data received as responses from the questionnaire survey were scored based on a given weight
of points, which were decided in-house by a panel. The accumulated scores of all responses were
provided as the aggregated score used for the overall single ranking. The given score points,
allotted per question, are presented in Table 1 below.